1: 名無しのアニゲーさん 2024/06/14(金) 13:07:54.90 ID:Uf/PsUv70
List of the games:
NDA: 63D = 63 Days (2025)
NDA: AC8 = Ace Combat 8 (2025)
NDA: CWRKRV = Clockwork Revolution (2025)
NDA: D82 = The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020 (2025)
NDA: DE X M2 = Daemon x Machina 2 (2025)
NDA: F4 = Fable (2025)
NDA: GT = Game of Thrones MMO (2025)
NDA: IMPACT = ? (2025)
NDA: INFIN = Infinitesimals (2025)
NDA: MAYHEM = ? (2025)
NDA: OAHU = Borderlands? (2025)
NDA: TD-EOTE = Echos of the End? (2025)
NDA: AOM = Age of Mythology: Retold (2024)
NDA: AOW = Age of Water (2024)
NDA: HSTNE: SMR = Hearthstone? (2024)
NDA: HOTD2 = House of the Dead 2 remake (2024)
NDA: SG2 = Shadowgate 2 (2024)
NDA: SMTE = SMITE 2 (2024)
NDA: WOW-TWW = WoW The War Within (2024)